Dressed For Victory
May 16, 2020Friend,what a joy that we have the almighty, all – sufficient God as our host.The one who makes available to us the tested, trusted and reliable weapons of warfare.
Ephesians 6:14
Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness.
Yes your belt may look very insignificant until you take it off. Take your belt off all your clothing then you look messed up.Remove the belt every other thing falls apart.The belt holds everything together. So also is the belt of truth which is the word of God. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
If the belt of truth is taken off the battle is messed up. If you neglect God’s word;the belt of truth all of your life will fall apart. Where there is no truth things fall apart. Your finance will be messed up, your marriage will be messed up, your today and tomorrow will be messed. Until God’s word becomes very important in your life you can not fight successfully as a believer. It is the belt of truth that hold every other weapon together.
Both the logo and Rhema of God’s word are needed. Whatever is written in the word becomes a law that is biding. A weapon to live by. You may not have the Rhema every time but the logo is with you always. Both the logo and the Rhema are given by the inspiration of God.
You don’t grow your spiritual muscle by prayer,fasting or praise but by the truth of God’s word. It is written ” man shall not live by bread alone but by very word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. When it appears you don’t hear God read God. The truth you guard your loins with will determine the extent to which your life will be compacted together fulfilling God’s purpose.
Friend,it’s high time you become skillful in the word of truth.Common tighten up your belt and let’s take a flight to become part of those who are of full of maturity those who by the reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both the evil and the good.It is evil to experience evil when God already provide us with His weapons with the belt of truth as a principal one.
With the truth you can bring back to alignment things that have gone out of order and permanently silence the devil. Friend, the strength of God is the truth, the strength of the devil is lie and strength of a man is his will. The enemy becomes weak in any area you are full of truths.
Today’s Confession:
I declare that henceforth l refuse to let lose my belt, I receive grace to be addicted to God’s word.By His word l bring back to alignment things that have gone out of order in my life.